Alexander Hamilton's legacy is one from which all entrepreneurs could learn.

Business lessons you can learn from ‘Hamilton’

April 18, 2018 AppWright News

As ticket sales continue to skyrocket and pop-culture references multiply, "Hamilton: An American Musical" is quickly cementing itself in American history. Yet, in addition to the laser-sharp lyrics and stunning choreography, there are a number of lessons to be learned from America's first Treasury Secretary. In fact, Alexander Hamilton's legacy is one from which all entrepreneurs could learn. Take a look below to see some of the most important things business leaders can learn from "Hamilton." 

Don't throw away your shot to bring in new business
In "Hamilton," the titular character is determined not to throw away his shot to ascend his station. While business leaders are trying to elevate their companies instead of their social status, the idea is the same. Opportunities are everywhere, but missing out on them can be costly. For example, if you have information on all of your business' prospective clients, you need a way to keep it organized. With business process management software, you can easily input client information into the prospect tracking tool, allowing you to easily access this data whenever you need it. 

Don't let the setbacks keep you from moving forward 
In business, if you are not changing and adapting, then you are falling behind. "Hamilton" teaches company leaders that it is crucial to stay invested in your goals because they will drive your success. As an entrepreneur, you will likely spend most of your time working on your business, but if you have no passion for it, then it could affect your overall performance. Much like Hamilton and his relentless pursuit of a memorable legacy, business leaders need tenacity and perseverance to achieve their goals. 

Stay scrappy and hungry
Alexander Hamilton's life was riddled with tragedy. He lost his mother at a very early age, a hurricane laid his Caribbean hometown to waste and he was passed from home to home, but he never stopped trying to make a better life for himself. As a business leader, you must understand that there will always be setbacks. However, these cannot keep you from driving your company forward. Business process management solutions can aide with this by optimizing workflow. When you can clearly outline your business objectives and how every employee can help achieve those goals, you will ensure that your company will continue to grow.

Savor the victories 
In Act II of the musical, Hamilton has worked his way up to decent social standing, has a family who loves him and is given the opportunity to create America's financial system. Yet, he is never fully satisfied with his work. It is important that business leaders take a moment to address their victories, no matter how small. These little acknowledgements can help drive motivation and inspire employees.

While not everyone will score tickets to the hottest musical on Broadway, all business leaders can benefit from the lessons Alexander Hamilton left behind. For more business leadership and organizational advice, click the image below or visit today.